Teggsnose IR Wave Wall
To satisfy an ITIOS driver the existing wave wall was demolished and a new wave wall erected up to a level of 210.62 mAOD plus an allowance for settlement. The new wave wall was constructed to match the facing of the existing wave wall and capable of resisting wave forces and hydrodynamic loadings.
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JVT Construction has over 30 years of experience in civil engineering works around impounding reservoir and headworks operation and maintenance. Our scope of services also include a full civil engineering capability for both refurbishment and new build projects.
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We are a highly efficient and experienced local firm of civil, structural, building and excavation work specialists who are able to provide you with a range of services for your proposed project, from a small domestic alteration to a complete new build. We can work as part of a design team appointed by you, or take your project in-house from initial concept through to detailed design to fully supervised completion on site.
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